Appendix A Lista podmiot—w obj.tych programem pomocy finansowej Northwell Health: Pomoc finansowa jest dost.pna wy..cznie w odniesieniu do .wiadczonych bezpo.rednio przez plac—wk. szpitala Northwell Health lub przez lekarza zatrudnionego przez Northwell Health. Niniejsza polityka obejmuje nast.puj.ce szpitale Northwell Health: .North Shore University Hospital .Long Island Jewish Medical Center .Long Island Jewish Forest Hills .Long Island Jewish Valley Stream .Cohen ChildrenÕs Medical Center .The Zucker Hillside Hospital .Orzac Center for Rehabilitation .Huntington Hospital Association .Lenox Hill Hospital .Staten Island University Hospital.Glen Cove Hospital.Plainview Hospital.South Shore University Hospital.Syosset Hospital.The Long Island Home.Phelps Memorial Hospital Association.Northern Westchester Hospital Assoc..Peconic Bay Medical Center .Manhattan, Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital Niniejsza polityka obejmuje us.ugi szpitalne Northwell Health wykonywane przez zatrudnionych lekarzy dotycz.ce nast.puj.cych zagadnie.: .Nadu.ywanie .rodk—w odurzaj.cych; .Alergia, astma oraz immunologia; .Zapalenie staw—w; .Zabiegi bariatryczne; .Nowotwory; sercowo-naczyniowy; .Medycyna pracy; .Stomatologia; .Onkologia; .Dermatologia; .Cukrzyca; .Ucho, nos, gard.o; .Medycyna ratunkowa; .Endokrynologia; .Medycyna rodzinna; .Medycyna ratunkowa; .Endokrynologia; .Gastroenterologia; .Opieka nad matkami; .Nefrologia .Neurologia;.Medycyna nuklearna;.Ginekologia i po.o.nictwo;.Okulistyka;.Post.powanie przeciwb—lowe;.Pediatria;.Medycyna miednicy;.Pulmonologia;.Radioterapia onkologiczna;.Radiologia;.Reumatologia i osteoporoza;.Centrum snu;.Centrum kr.gos.upa;.Telemedycyna;.Opieka chirurgiczna;.Torakochirurgia;.Toksykologia;.Ocena przeszczep—w;.Urologia;.Patologia; Programem pomocy finansowej obj.te s. r—wnie. nast.puj.ce organizacje zwi.zane z Northwell Health: . Anesthesia Management Services, LLC . Brightwaters Gynecology, PC . Brooklyn Ambulatory Care, PC . Brooklyn Ambulatory Services, LLC . Carnegie Cardiovascular, PC . Community Drive Surgery, PC . DHCH, LLC . Endo Group, LLC . Endoscopy Center of Long Island . Greenwich Village Ambulatory Surgery Center, LLC . Krasnoff Consultative Services, LLC . Lakeville Surgery, PC . Lenox Hill Hospital Medical, PC . Lenox Hill Pathology, PC . Lenox Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, PC . Lynbrook SC, LLC . Marcus Avenue Medical, PC . Medical Care of Queens, PC . Melville SC, LLC . North Shore LIJ Cardiovascular Medicine PC . North Shore LIJ Occupational Medicine PC . North Shore Medical Accelerator, PC . North Shore-LIJ Anesthesiology, PC . North Shore-LIJ Cardiology @ Deer Park, PC . North Shore-LIJ Clinical Integration Network IPA, LLC . North Shore-LIJ Heart Surgery, PC . North Shore-LIJ Internal Medicine at Lynbrook, PC . North Shore-LIJ Internal Medicine at New Hyde Park, PC . North Shore-LIJ Internal Medicine, PC . North Shore-LIJ Medical Group at Huntington, PC . North Shore-LIJ Medical Group at North Nassau, PC . North Shore-LIJ Medical Group at Syosset, PC . North Shore-LIJ Medical Group Urgent Medical Care, PC . North Shore-LIJ Medical Group, PC . North Shore-LIJ Medical, PC . North Shore-LIJ OB-GYN at Garden City, PC . North Shore-LIJ OB-GYN at New Hyde Park, PC . North Shore-LIJ OB-GYN, PC . North Shore-LIJ Pediatrics of Suffolk County, PC . North Shore-LIJ Radiology Services, PC . North Shore-LIJ Renal Ventures, LLC . North Shore-LIJ Urgent Care, PC . North Shore-LIJ Ventures GCSC, LLC . Northwell Health Melville ASC Ventures, LLC . Northwell Proton Therapy, PC . NSLIJ & Yale New Haven Medical Air Transport, LLC . Orlin & Cohen Medical Specialist Group . Peconic Cardiology, PC . Phelps Medical Services, PC . Physicians of University Hospital, PC . Population Health Management, LLC . Richmond ASC, LLC . South Shore Surgery Center, LLC . Suffolk Surgery Center . Suite 130 Plastic Surgery, PC . Surgical Specialty Center of Westchester, LLC . Synergy Health True North, LLC . True North Dialysis, LLC . True North II DC, LLC . True North IV DC, LLC . True North Urgent Care, LLC . True North V DC, LLC . United Medical Surgical, PC . Virtual Health Medicine, PC . Westchester Health Medical Management Services Organization, LLC . Westchester Health Medical, PC . Not-for-Profit Professional Corporations