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The Important Role Medical Imaging Plays in Diagnosis and Treatment

Jul 10, 2018


Medical imaging is the process of using technology to view the human body in the interest of diagnosing, monitoring, and treating medical problems. You have probably heard of some of the various types of medical imaging that are used. These include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and many more. Diagnostic imaging centers in Long Island, NY, know the huge role this amazing technology plays in saving lives.

The History

You may be surprised to learn that medical imaging hasn't been around that long. These revolutionary inventions stemmed from the 1896 invention of the X-ray. From there, in the 1960s, sonar technology changed the game again. Scientists discovered that they could send sound waves into the body that would bounce off internal structures and then be reformatted as images when they returned to the ultrasound machine. In 1970, Dr. Raymond Damadian found out that cancerous tissues take much longer to return the signal that is sent through them, thus creating the basis for the MRI machine. The CT scan was invented in 1979 by Godfrey Hounsfield, and MRI machines were not tested until the early 1980s.

Over the past 30 years, this technology has changed the way health care functions. Medical imaging allows doctors to find diseases in their early stages, which leads to better outcomes for patients. Diseases are most treatable when they’re caught early, so this revolutionary technology is truly life-changing.


The Benefits

Medical imaging is especially beneficial when it comes to detecting cancer. Such a dreadful disease requires very early detection to improve the chances of survival. Medical imaging allows doctors to detect tumors in their very earliest stages. For example, low-dose lung computed tomography allows doctors to see tumors that are as small as a grain of rice. This technology has reduced deaths from lung cancer by 20 percent.

Similar technology allows early cancer detection in colon and breast cancer screenings. CT colonography scans can detect polyps and tumors in the colon with ease. Even better, this method gets rid of the need for sedation. Not only is the detection more efficient, but the technique is less invasive. A further benefit is that the reduction of invasive, in-patient procedures (and the shorter recovery times that follow) reduces costs for the patient. They don’t have to spend as much on their health care, and the minimally invasive procedures allow people to return to their everyday lives quicker than they could before this technology revolutionized health care.

Medical imaging has changed so many people’s lives for the better, and the technology will only continue to get better. Early detection of diseases is so important. If you feel something isn't right with your body, you and your doctor may consider taking some medical images of your body to determine if there is something to be concerned about. It could potentially save your life! Diagnostic imaging in Long Island, NY, maybe something you should consider. Call Peconic Bay Medical center today to talk about what medical imaging can do for you and your health.