Program applicants are expected to complete a pre-entrance physical evaluation form. The information contained in this form becomes part of the student file in Employee Health Services and remains confidential. It is provided by the hospital without cost to the student.
The MMR vaccine is required by New York State Department of Health. No student will be permitted to start the program without the proof of proper immunization as required by law. All students entering the program are encouraged to have the Hepatitis B vaccination and the seasonal influenza vaccination from their own physician.
Students involved in the program are provided emergency medical care, if needed, in their respective clinical site. An incident occurring due to “work-related” injury will be evaluated by a medical provider. The student will be required to complete all necessary documentation as required by the facility.
Students in need of emergency medical treatment are to notify the Clinical Instructor and Clinical Coordinator immediately should an injury occur.
Radiology School Students being treated by their own doctor will be expected to provide Employee Health and their Supervisor with a Doctor’s note that refers to the injury date and body part affected. Those cases involving lost time need to specify the approximate length of the disability and the date of the next re-evaluation. An employee must provide a doctor’s note upon returning to school. If returning to school on a limited duty basis, the specific limitations must then be documented. Each situation will be evaluated with Employee Health as “limitations” could hinder the student’s learning in the clinical setting and be a danger to the student and patient on a case-by-case basis.
The program has no provisions for group medical insurance for student’s participation.
Students are REQUIRED to maintain their own medical insurance while enrolled in the program.
Students are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to receive the Seasonal Influenza vaccine.
Hospital Security
The hospital operates a Department of Safety and Security.
Security is provided on a 24 hour/7 days a week/365 days a year basis.
Security patrols and monitors the entire property, including the internal and external premises.
Housing and Child Care
Peconic Bay Medical Center does not provide housing or childcare services.
Alumni Transcript Requests
We encourage and support all our alumni to continue their educations.
Requests for faculty recommendations can be made by mail or email, and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Requests for transcripts can be made by mail. A downloadable transcript request form is available here.