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Oct 28, 2024, 10:47 AM
Peconic Bay Medical Center is the only hospital in New York State to receive the highest level of this prestigious award based on three-year evaluation of leadership, collaboration and patient care
Oct 22, 2024, 10:52 AM
Annual Hospital Rankings Report Recognized PBMC With Excellence Awards for Pulmonary Care and Gastrointestinal Care and Gave the PBMC Five-Star Ratings for heart failure, COPD, pneumonia, treatment of GI bleed, bowel obstruction, pancreatitis and treatment of sepsis
Jul 9, 2024, 12:33 PM
Peconic Bay Medical Center (PBMC) has been recognized as the most socially responsible hospital in New York State by The Lown Institute Hospital Index. The prestigious honor was made as part of the organization’s annual list of the top hospitals in the United States based on an index that measures equity, value and patient outcomes of more than 2,700 hospitals nationwide. In addition to being ranked the number one hospital in New York State for social responsibility, PBMC was named to Lown’s 2024-25 Honor roll and earned “A” grades in ten other categories.
Feb 26, 2023, 12:09 PM
Fueled by the knowledge that food is powerful medicine, Northwell's Michelin-starred chefs are bringing restaurant quality food to the menu
Feb 22, 2023, 11:37 AM
By strengthening a group of lower back muscles called the multifidus, a new device called ReActiv8 is helping patients find relief from chronic pain
Feb 14, 2023, 11:31 AM
Stacey Rosen, MD, joins the 20-Minute Health Talk podcast during American Heart Month to address the disproportionate impact heart disease has on Black women

Community Outreach

Speakers Bureau

Peconic Bay Medical Center works with community organizations to sponsor a Speakers Bureau that offers many resources geared to promoting wellness and educating patients, residents and businesses of the communities served by the Hospital and its affiliates. Health care professionals give freely of their time to provide informational presentations and workshops to community based organizations, schools and faith-based institutions on a wide range of relevant, health related topics.

Medical Marketing/Promotional Activities

The PBMC Foundation and External Affairs Office works collaboratively on a host of marketing and promotional activities, regarding extensive medical, surgical and multispecialty care service initiatives. Members of the staff actively participate on Marketing and Public Relations Committees to discuss participation in health-related community events, advertising and marketing strategies and prepare promotional ads on a wide variety of hospital services and programs for print, radio and social media.

Collaboration with Community Based Organizations and Neighborhood Service Providers

Hospital Staff serve as members of local organizations and local Community Advisory Boards, such as Rotary and the local Chamber. In this capacity, the staff coordinates presentations at public hearings and meetings of local community organizations. This collaboration with neighborhood service networks affords the Peconic Bay Medical Center staff a unique opportunity to acquaint area residents with the hospital health professionals and the variety of health services available.

School-Based Health Initiatives

We are excited to be able to provide further information about Project Fit America and our surrounding school districts in the near future.

Community Awareness Program, through Riverhead CAP

As part of the on-going effort to educate and inform the central and eastern Suffolk County Community at large on the various health topics, as well as to respond to community inquiries on health related topics, Peconic Bay Medical Center collaborates and is represented on the Riverhead CAP board. This group unifies local community schools (DOE and parochial), law enforcement, commerce, faith-based organizations and hospitals.

Cancer Services Program

The Cancer Services Program of Eastern and Western Suffolk County (a program of Peconic Bay Medical Center) aims to decrease rates of cancer and cancer mortality for uninsured people in all of Suffolk County.The program’s mission is to provide breast, cervical and colorectal cancer education, screening and treatment services for the uninsured with compassion and respect. The program provides:

  • Access to free breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings
  • Access to diagnostic exams for clients with abnormal screening results
  • Patient navigation services
  • Professional education
  • Public education
  • Outreach and recruitment
Cancer Studies and Blood & Organ Donor Drives

The Cancer Services Program provides support and is working collaboratively with the American Cancer Society on a 20-year cancer study in the primary service area of the Medical Center and greater Long Island. In addition, the Social Services Department at Peconic Bay Medical Center sponsors on site intermittent community/employee blood drives with the New York Blood Center and organ and tissue donor drives.

Community Health Fairs

Graduate Medical Education residents, physicians and members of the Peconic Bay Medical Center staff initiate and/or participate in health fairs in the surrounding communities. We are aware of the cultural perspectives and differences and ensure that the people receive the information in the appropriate manner.  These events are held on-site at neighborhood social service centers, schools and senior citizen centers.

Language Assistance and Community Health Initiative

The hospital seeks innovative and creative ways to integrate critical information about health care delivery with other components. Peconic Bay Medical Center, in cooperation with our Social Services Department and ourLanguage Assistance Coordinator, orchestrates educational activities or workshops in the community on topics that have been identified as crucial by the NYS Department of Health. These bi-lingual English and Spanish health seminars are guided by a lecture plan and are used to inform and integrate our growing Hispanic constituency.

Community Service Plan

The Peconic Bay Medical Center Community Service Plan is a response to the New York State healthiest state initiative referred to as The Prevention Agenda. The hospital participates in a collaborative approach to community health assessment and planning and documents these efforts in its Community Service Plan. The State selected 10 public health priorities and asked the hospital to focus on selected topics over a three-year period. Peconic Bay Medical Center identified access to quality health care, tobacco use and childhood obesity/diabetes awarenessas three important issues to address.

Information Display Tabling

In an ongoing effort to promote awareness of and information on a wide variety of health issues, especially those issues that constitute the main health indicators for the communities Peconic Bay Medical Center serves, including but not limited to Cancer, COPD, Diabetes and Obesity, the Medical Affairs Office, Graduate Medical Education Program,Foundation, External Affairs and health professionals representing the various health disciplines of Peconic Bay Medical Center, work in close collaboration on preparing posters and literature for distribution to patients, visitors and staff of the medical center and affiliated physician offices. Health professionals remain available to address a given topic. The Health Information Display Tables are strategically placed in the Hospital’s main lobby and in-patient waiting areas. Most of the health literature distributed is typically information received by or specifically published by the NYS Department of Health.

The Peconic Bay Medical Center Community Physician Education Agenda

The Peconic Bay Medical Center Community Physician Education Agenda strives to improve the quality of health care in Suffolk County by offering and/or hosting relevant health seminars and support programs to both community-based and health care providers. Peconic Bay Medical Center also works to collaborate topics of interest with local businesses and organizations. These educational sessions are based on the needs assessment. Topics include The Changing Face of Healthcare: How It Affects You and Your Family; Diabetes Chat- A Global and Local Perspective; and Improving Health with EHR’s - Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records. This program is an important way to provide not only a learning opportunity but also a chance to connect and grow relationships amongst colleagues united for a similar cause.

Public Information