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Causes of Coronary Heart Disease

May 22, 2019
Blood Pressure

It's one of the most frightening diagnoses that you can receive. Coronary heart disease is a condition where the arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle become narrow and harden. Fat and cholesterol plaque builds up inside your arteries, causing their internal volume to narrow. This decreases the flow of blood to your heart.

Coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of heart attacks, blockage that stops the flow of blood to your heart. Could you be suffering from this condition? Unfortunately, you may not know until it's too late. However, a cardiologist can evaluate your heart health and determine if you may have coronary heart disease. Keep reading to learn the top causes of this serious condition. If you identify with any of the following, you should visit a cardiology center soon for an evaluation.


If you're obese, you may suffer from an array of health conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. However, it also can cause coronary heart disease. Obese people tend to have more plaque in their bloodstream due to a fatty diet. When your diet is high in fat and cholesterol, your body will deposit buildup in your arteries, especially the vital arteries that supply blood to your heart. While obesity isn’t a guaranteed cause of CHD—nor does being thin mean you aren’t at risk of the disease—losing weight can drastically reduce your risk.

High Blood Pressure

Those with high blood pressure are at risk of coronary heart disease. Diets high in salt, high-stress work environments, and a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to high blood pressure, which can, in turn, cause you to develop coronary heart disease. Every time you see a physician, you should have your blood pressure tested.


Diabetes related or unrelated to obesity also can cause coronary heart disease, as well as other serious heart conditions. High blood glucose levels, associated with diabetes, can eventually weaken your arteries and other tissue in your cardiovascular system. If you're diabetic, you should visit a cardiologist regularly to evaluate your heart health.

Heart disease

High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance in your bloodstream used to build health cells. However, too much cholesterol can cause plaque buildup in your blood, which can, in turn, lead to coronary heart disease. High cholesterol doesn’t show symptoms. You'll need to have a blood test to evaluate your cholesterol levels. Eat a diet that's low in saturated fat and high in fresh produce to keep your cholesterol levels healthy.


Many people have heart disease, including coronary heart disease, in their genes, Even if you live an active lifestyle, eat healthy, and keep your weight down, you can still develop this serious condition. If several members of your family have suffered from any form of heart disease, especially CHD, you should see a cardiologist.

Visit a cardiologist if you identify with any of the above common causes of coronary heart disease. Peconic Bay Medical Center's network of physicians include numerous cardiology clinics, staffed by some of the most recognized and respected doctors in the country. To learn more about their cardiology services near you, find a local hospital, or schedule an appointment with a cardiologist in Suffolk County, NY, visit