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National Immunization Awareness Month: Know It is Important

Aug 5, 2019
Medical Care Centers Suffolk County NY

Most kids can’t wait until they don’t need any more shots for school. Did you breathe a sigh of relief when you came to the end of your childhood vaccines? We get it! We don’t like shots any more than you do, but like you, we grin and bear it because we know even adults must be immunized. In case you missed out on information that was shared during National Immunization Awareness Month, here is a review of the importance of vaccines.

Vaccines Save Lives

We know immunizations save the lives of infants and young children. They also save adult lives. According to the Alliance for Aging Research, between 50,000 and 90,000 adults die every year from diseases that vaccines can prevent. Adult immunizations don’t only protect from influenza. For example, adults have their own immunization schedule that includes vaccines against pneumonia, shingles, and hepatitis A & B. These aren’t the only immunizations for adults, so you’ll want to talk to your healthcare provider about which one you need.

Vaccines Prevent Disease

Don’t assume if a disease isn’t mentioned on the news, it no longer exists. Viruses and disease-causing bacteria still exist. They’re still around, and they can still infect people who aren't protected by vaccines. The main reason you don’t hear about certain diseases is because of immunization programs. Besides the diseases mentioned above, vaccines also protect adults from tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. If you travel outside of the United States, you may also need vaccines that protect you from yellow fever or typhoid. This isn’t an exhaustive list, so next time you visit one of the medical care centers in Suffolk County, NY, ask your provider to go over your immunization history with you.

Immunizations May Help You Save Money

If you get the flu, you shouldn’t leave the house unless it’s for a doctor visit. Experts at Healthline estimate that an average case of influenza lasts from 3-7 days. Fatigue and other symptoms such as cough may last for a few weeks. If you work, you may miss six or more days. Not only will you have medical bills, but you also may not be compensated for the days you miss from work. For even more serious diseases like Hepatitis A, many adults miss a month or longer from their job or regular activities. Most family medical centers in Suffolk County, NY, have immunizations available for adults. Medical insurance typically covers vaccinations, so save yourself the cost of missed days from work and take care of your vaccines.

Medical Care Centers Suffolk County NY

Vaccinate and Help Keep Others Healthy

You may be a healthy adult who gets over a vaccine-preventable disease within a week or two. That doesn’t mean you can’t spread the disease to others who haven’t been vaccinated. If you get vaccinated, it’s less likely that you’ll get a disease and then spread it. Take care of your health and that of your children, grandchildren, and even other elderly family members who may be at risk.

With the flu season upon us, look into getting your flu shot today.