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The Role of Advanced Technology in Diabetes Care

Jan 11, 2019


Medical technology and advancements have made treatment of diabetes easier, more effective and have improved the overall quality of life of those suffering from the symptoms and side effects of the disease. If you're seeking treatment at a medical center of Suffolk County, NY, it's important to learn about how technology has played a role in diabetes treatment.

Insulin – Faster Acting and More Effective

By focusing on postprandial (PP) glycemic control, researchers have made great strides in developing a faster-acting insulin product that holds great promise in treating hyperglycemia. The new products focus on increasing the initial speed of absorption as well as making the drug more stable. For several pharmaceutical products, clinical trials have been ongoing and will continue. The promise for those with diabetes receiving treatment that is self-administered or in coordination with medical health centers is an insulin product that is quicker to treat reactions with fewer side effects.

Another technological breakthrough is the development of “smart” insulins. These new insulins identify and address the presence of glucose and only release as needed. Several pharmaceutical companies are working to create a product that utilizes biochemistry to develop methods of drug interaction that stem insulin-related incidents as well as to develop a longer-lasting, time released product. Also, several research teams in coordination with various medical centers are testing the incorporation of smart insulin products as part of a skin patch treatment.

Inhaled Insulin

While subcutaneous insulin injections remain the main conduit for delivering insulin into the body, inhaled insulin has become an elusive goal. One challenge is the need for the monitoring of lung function as a regular part of treatment. When this method of delivery is used, it's very important that ongoing testing occurs at a medical diagnostic imaging center, especially when a respiratory infection is present. This reality has added to hesitancy on the part of consumers as well as pharmaceuticals to pursue an inhaled insulin objective. Nonetheless, several research efforts continue to master this very promising method of delivery.

Glucose Monitoring

The main way someone with diabetes tracks their condition is still primarily through regular checking and tracking. There has been an improvement in this area, especially in the ease of testing. Glucose monitoring has largely been automated, but with that comes calibration issues. There have been efforts to reduce the number of calibrations necessary. A major development has been the incorporation of smart devices to replace dedicated monitoring receivers. Multiple apps are available to help read and interpret glucose readings.

Delivery Devices

Insulin pumps have become popular, and multiple companies offer alternatives in form and functionality. Researchers are actively trying to make the pump technology more intuitive, easier to use, and reliable. This includes improved infusion sets, kink resistant catheters, and merging glucose monitoring technology with pump technology.

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Data Analysis

Advancements are happening in diabetes treatment at a very rapid pace. The largest advancement by far, however, is the ability to track a patient through their diagnosis and treatment in a comprehensive manner electronically. It's not routine that medical teams include more than traditional healthcare delivery options and that the entire medical history of a patient is considered when prescribing any treatment. That has led to better outcomes and quicker and more effective responses. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, medical centers in Suffolk County, NY, can help you manage the condition. Contact the professionals at Peconic Bay Medical Center today.